
Sunday, September 5, 2010

One hit the burn 5 hectares mountains

Last week, Orange County, Southern California, a golf course and surrounding hills fire, fire brigade sent 200 people, spent more than seven hours before the fire extinguished and caused fire, turned out to be a golfer, a record command bar.

To the fire alarm is a company called "cool Canyon" golf course staff, the afternoon race going on here, first fairway side of the bush smoke, the fire quickly spread to the stadium, next to the hillside to the spread of drop in the bucket fire extinguisher on-site staff. Soon the fire out of control, Orange County Fire Department helicopter to assist fire-fighting, and finally burned area, or to 5 hectares.

Accident investigation conclusions startling. Orange County fire captain 格里麦肯恩 said: "The fire is likely to be hit by the golfer swing spark triggered. Court official said, a player at that time he missed the ball, fell on the fairway next to the bush Cong, he wanted the ball back to the fairway, but hitting a ball when hit by rocks, hitting out of the spark caused the accident. "

McCain also said team leader, Orange County regional forest wildfires often occur mostly in the area of vegetation is extremely flammable rouge sage and oak, plus the local number of days without rain, it is easy to cause fire. In addition, it is not hot and will only fire, "when the drying temperature of shrubs 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit (21 ℃ -26 ℃), the most likely to catch fire." Therefore, golf is entirely possible to create fire.
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