
Monday, May 31, 2010

discount golf clubs-five months order

The Second World War had begun, and John wanted to join the army, but he was only 16 years old, and boys were allowed to join only if they were over 18. So when the army doctor examined him, he said that he was 18.

But John's brother had joined the army a few days before, and the same doctor had examined him too. This doctor remembered the older boy's family name, so when he saw John's papers, he was surprised.

How old are you? he said.

Eighteen, sir, said John.

But your brother was eighteen, too, said the doctor. Are you twins?

Oh, no, sir, said John, and his face went red. My brother is five months older than I am.

The Name-discount golf clubs

Our teacher was telling us about a new system of memory training being used in some schools today.

It works like this, she said. Suppose you wanted tore member the name of a poetRobert Burns, for instance. She told us to think of him as Bobby Burns. Now get in your head a picture of a London policeman, a bobby in flames. See? Bobby Burns!

I see what you mean, said the class know it all. But how can you tell that it's Not Robert Browning?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

discount golf clubs-Dead cat

Long time ago there was a man named David, who let his dog out to relieve himself late one night. He watched some TV, and then remembered to let the dog back in. When David opened the door, he was shocked at what he saw! In his dog's mouth was his neighbor's cat, dead! "Bad dog! BAD DOG!", said the panicked man.

He took the cat away and looked at it. He couldn't bring himself to tell his neighbor what happened, so he decided to clean it up and leave it on the neighbour's porch. He took the cat into the bathroom and washed off all the blood and dirt.

It took him forever. He had to wash it four times to get it all cleaned. He brushed it's beautiful white fur as he blow dried it, and put it's collar back on. Since it was so dark, he snuck into the neighbor's yard, and laid the cat down on the porch, in front of the door.

The next day, he was on his way to the car to go to work and his neighbor was outside.

"Hi," he said. "Hi," replied Jim, nervously. His neighbor said, "something weird happened last night."

"Oh yeah? What's that," asked David, sweating now.

"Well, my cat died yesterday, and we buried him, and this morning he was lying on my front porch!"

Three pastors-discount golf clubs

Three pastors in the south were having lunch in a diner. One said, You know, since summer started I’ve been having trouble with bats in my loft and attic at church. I’ve tried everything----noise, spray, cats----nothing seems to scare them away.

Another said, Yes, me too. I’ve got hundreds living in my belfry and in the attic. I’ve been had the place fumigated, and they still won’t go away.

The third said, I baptized all mine, and made them members of the church...haven’t seen one back since!

donot be selfish-discount golf clubs

A mother is admonishing her son.

Now, Michile, don't be selfish. Let your little brother share the bicycle with you.

But Mother, I do. I ride it down the hill, my brother said he would ridle it up the hill.

This is my monther-discount golf clubls

The local high school has a policy that the parents must call the school if a student is to be absent for the day. Jency deciding to skip school and go to the mall with her friends waited until her parents had left for work and called the school herself. This is the actual conversation of the telephone call.

Jency: "Hi, I'm calling to report that Jency Richardson is unable to make it to school today because she is ill.

Secretary at high school: "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I'll note her absence. Who is this calling?"

Jency: "This is my mother."

Friday, May 28, 2010

discount golf clubs-there is somewrong with your ear

A little old man goes to the doctor ... and says, "Doctor, I have this problem with gas, but it doesn't really bother me too much. They never smell and are always silent. As a matter of fact, I've farted at least 30 times since I've been here in your office. You didn't know I was farting because they don't smell and are silent." The doctor says, "I see. Here's a prescription. Take these pills two times a day for five days ,after that please come back my office next week." The next week the lady goes back. He says" doctor, I don't know what the hell of the pills you gave me, but now my farts ... although still silent... stink terribly." The doctor says, "Not bad! Now that we've cleared up your sinuses, It is the time for working on your hearing."

discount golf clubs-Tiger woods

According to RadarOnline exclusive disclosure, Tiger Woods wife, Elin will once again thrown him to travel, this time her destination is China.
Beautiful Irene is planning to China in the next few months to conduct a long-distance travel. She is now planning to the travel date. She has not decided whether to bring two children, but one person certainly would not be considered to be with her, that is the Tiger Woods.
RadarOnline reported that Woods wife is still in the separation, they hardly speak. Before the site reported, Elin Rawlings recently was on the University of Evening Class. Several nights a week should be in class. As there is a summer course, time will not last several months, so Eileen can arrange a trip.
Every day, tigers and Irene living place about a mile, but between them they may be thousands of miles apart, because they no longer had anything to do with each other. "Tiger and his friends went out to his favorite places in Orlando," a person who is close to the golfer told RadarOnline, "his life agreeable."

discount golf clubs-How to choose golf ball

There are many types of golf products. As a golfer, often put great emphasis in competition and training on the choice of golf clubs. Meanwhile golf ball is also an important factor to determine results, therefore, it is necessary to find out how Select the ball.
First, you have to understand the basic knowledge of golf ball, its type and structure. On this basis, we'll prompt you to choose your golf, or even selected for the game ball.
First, consider the material
the only difference of most synthesis of two-spherical ball is nuclear softness. Some companies now add tungsten, titanium and other rare materials. These companies claim that, because the high compaction of these rare materials, the focus tends to be more central with the ball spin faster. Some companies also cover the ball by use of these materials, hoping to increase the feel and distance. Other companies use multi-layer structure. The synthetic ball has higher price. Their durability, feel and consistency are very good hit by discount golf clubs.
Third, determine the most suitable for the hardness of your
Hardness is a measure of the ball touch the hard. The higher hardness, the more rigid feel. There is a common misunderstanding that the hardness of a ball 100 always flies farthest. This is wrong. The distance is determined by the speed of golf clubs, not the hardness of the distance of the most important. For some golfers, the lower hardness of the ball gets more flying distant

Thursday, May 27, 2010

discount golf clubs-funny stories

Waitress," shouted the impatient diner, "do I have to sit here and starve all night?"
"no, sir, we close at nine o'clock."
Reserved by discount golf clubs

discount golf clubs-Early Shopper

A judge was in a benevolent mood as he questioned a man, of course the prisoner,on the day of Christmas. What are you charged with? The judge asked.
Doing my Christmas shopping early, answered the prisoner.
That's no offense, replied the judge, How early were you doing this shopping?
Before the store opened, replied the prisoner.

discount golf clubs-you help me

David goes to the office of manager.”manager," he says: "we're prepare to do some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic and the garage."
"We're short-handed, David." the manager said. "I can't give you the day off."
"Thanks, boss," says David, "I know I could count on you!"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

discount golf clubs-who is the best

on one morning I drove my husband's car for shopping.

  On my return, I noticed that the outside of car is very dirty and cleaned it up a bit.When I finally entered the house, I said."The woman who loves you
most in the world just help you clean your headlights and windshield."

  My husband looked up and said, "Mom's here?"

discount golf clubs-funny stories

A Fifth-grade teacher was giving his students a lesson on logic.

"Here is the situation," he said. "A lady is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing. She suddenly loses her balance, falls in, and begins splashing and yelling for help. Her husband hears the commotion, knowing that she can't swim, and runs down to the bank. Why do you think he ran to the bank?"

A boy raised his hand and asked, "to draw out all of her savings?"

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

discount golf clubs

A teacher said to his students:
Who was the first man?
George Washington,a little boy said promptly.
How do you know that George Washington was the first man?asked the teacher.
the boy said because,he was first in war,first in peace,and first in the hearts of the citizen of his country.
But at this point a elder boy stood and said
the teacher said to the elder boy,who do you think was the first man?
I don't know what his name was,said the boy,but I know it wasn't George Washington,because the history book says George Washington married a widow,so,of course,there must have been a man ahead of him.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I am not asleep

When several ladies got on a car, which all the seats were already occupied. The conductor noticed a man who seemed to be asleep. The conductor fears he might miss his stop, she nudged him and said: "Wake up, sir!"
   "I was not asleep," the man answered.
   "Not asleep? But I noticed you had your eyes closed."
   "Yeah. I just hate to look at ladies standing up beside me in a crowded car."

Where is the another claw

Waiter, this lobster has only one claw.
I'm sorry, sir. It must have been in a fight and lost one claw.
Well, please bring me the winner then.

He is really somebody

David has almost 10000 men under him.
Wow ,He is really somebody. What does David do?
He works as a maintenance man in a cemetery.

I need the doctor

 "Doctor," A woman speaks loudly, running into the room, "I want you to say frankly what's wrong with me."
He studied her from head to foot. "Madam," he said at length, "I only have three things to tell you. First, I think your weight wants you to reduce by nearly sixty pounds. Another, your beauty can be improved largely if you used about one tenth as much rouge and lipstick. Lastly, I'm an artist. I think the doctor you wanted lives downstairs."

Friday, May 21, 2010

What is the sound of the clock indeed

The clock, which was left by Jack's grandfather, suddenly stops working right one day, so Jack loads it into his car and takes it to a clock repair shop.
In the repair shop, is a little old man who insists he is Swiss, but he has a heavy German accent. He asks Jack, Vat sims to be ze problem?
Jack says, I'm not sure, but it doesn't go 'tick-tocktick -tock' anymore. Now it just goes like 'tick...tick...tick.'
The old man says, Mmm-Hm! and steps behind the counter and walks to the clock.
This little old man turns the flashlight on, and shines it directly into the clocks face. Then he says in a menacing voice, Ve haf vays of making you tock!

Where is the father

Three sisters were looking at some beautiful paintings.
the elder sister said" How nice these paintings are!"
 "Yes," said the younger sister , "but what I find in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children. Where is the father?"
 The elder sister thought for a while and then explained, "Obviously the father was painting the pictures."

Where is the father

Three sisters were looking at some beautiful paintings.
the elder sister said" How nice these paintings are!"
 "Yes," said the younger sister , "but what I find in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children. Where is the father?"
 The elder sister thought for a while and then explained, "Obviously the father was painting the pictures."

bad marrige

David, you can't imagine how hard it is for me after marriage to deal with my wife," the man complained to his friend. "My wife always asks me a question, and then answers it herself. after that she explained to me for almost one hour why my answer is wrong.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

scenery places

Yongchuan Bamboo and tea scenery spot, National Forest Park, located 2 kilometers north of Chongqing, an area of 117 square kilometers, with the average temperature of 14 degrees. The forest coverage rate is above 97% in this charming place. Yongchuan Bamboo and tea scenery spot not only has national level air quality which is the ideal natural oxygen bar for citizen, but also 3o,ooo acres tea garden and 50,000 acres of natural bamboo. Natural tea, bamboo, and peole in them ,it is a amazing nature picture.. At the same time, it is an international chess team training base in China and martial arts epic "House of Flying Daggers," the only location for 20,000 contiguous acres tea and 50.000 acres like a vast sea. Because of its unique characteristics, Yongchuan Bamboo and tea scenery spot has became the gold shining pearl of tourism in the Three Gorges.
Yongchuan Bamboo and tea scenery spot is located in Qi mountains which mountains around mountains with winding ups and downs, shaped like a dragon .Qi Mountains was called Shu Dragon in the three Kingdoms. The name of Qi Mountains with 1779 years history was given by Zhu Geliang , Prime Minister of Shu.

Open the door with you foot

The notorious mean man finally decided to invite his friends for dinner. Explaining to one of his friends how to find his apartment, the man said, "Come up to 5F and ring the doorbell with your elbow. When the door opens, close it with your foot."
  "Why use my elbow and foot?"
  "Oh, gosh," was the reply, "You will not come my house with empty-hangded, will you?"

Happy or not?

In David's café building, a young lady started waving hello to David everyday. David was flattered and very happy, for this lady was at least 15 years younger than him. One day this young lady waved and beckoned to Tom again. When Tom came over, she asked, "Are you single?"
  "Yes, of course" David replied, smiling at her broadly.
 "So is my mom," she said. "Would you like to meet her?"

Who will cry

Jack, fives years old, was terribly spoiled. His father did not want to be this , but his grandma doted on him. So John hardly left her side. And when Jack wanted anything, he either cried or threw a temper tantrum. Then his first day of school came, it was his first day away from his loving arms of his grandmother.
His grandma met Jack at the door, when he came home from school.
she asked, "Dear ,Did you get along all right? Did you cry?"
  "Cry?" John asked. "No, I didn't cry, but the teacher did!"

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

World Cultural Heritage

The Dazu Rock Carvings was created between the Tang and Song dynasty. The Rock Carvings mainly focus on Religion Cliff and Buddhist themes, among which
particularly North Cliff Mountain Buddhism Statues and Baoding Buddhism Statues are the most famous Carvings. The Dazu Rock Carvings is the famous Chinese ancient stone carving art. North Cliff Mountain Buddhism Statues located in Dazu County, Chongqing City, 1.5 km north of North Mountain.

This length of the Cliff Figures is more than 300 meters, which is the national cultural heritage site, at the same time is world cultural heritage. Figures were excavated originally in the late Tang dynasty (AD 892), then after Later Liang, Hou Tang Dynasty, Hou Han and Hou Zhou Dynasty. Its completion happened in the Southern Song dynasty of 1162, lasted 250 years. The more than 4600 existing sculptures are the best representatives of Chinese ancient grotto art.

Dazu County, one county of Chongqing, was built in Tang Dynasty (758 years) which is famous for Dafeng, Dazu,". Dazu is not only the famous stone town, but also the first open county of Chongqing. the state established the starting point of the Yangtze River Three Gorges Tourism County, the National ecological agriculture counties, opening an important window of Chongqing. Dazu County has a long history, culture, and rich tourist resources. County dotted with stone statues has as many as 75, 5 thousand body sculptures being the cultural relics protection units .

A kind Boy

Jack, a little boy, asked his mother for three cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You're a kind boy," said proudly the mother. "Here are three cents more. But dear could you tell mom why you are so interested in the old woman?" "She is the one who sells the candies to me." Jack said.

Your will spend your rest life

Today, all of new pilots and aviation words make me to thinking about my first skydiving instructor. During that class he would always take the time to answer any of our stupid first-timer questions.a student asked, if both our chute and the reserve don’t open, how long it cost for us to hit the ground?Our jump master looked at him and in perfect deadpan and answered the rest of your life.

Poisonous for ourself

A little snake asked his mother "Are we poisonous?" "Yes, dear," she answered - "Why do you ask this question, dear?" "Because I've just bitten my tongue! "

Chinese Emei Introduction

Mt. Emei with 3,099 m is the highest of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China. The patron bodhisattva of Emei is Samantabhadra, known in Chinese as Puxian. 16th and 17th century sources allude to the practice of martial arts in the monasteries of Mount Emei. The martial of Emei is famous as Shaolin Monastery martial arts which is considered as the original place of Chinese boxing.
A large surrounding area of countryside is geologically known as the Permian Emeishan Large Igneous Province, a large igneous province generated by the Emeishan Traps volcanic eruptions during the Permian Period.Sunrise and Clouds sea
Great spectacles of Mount Emei include the sunrise and Clouds Sea seen from the Golden Summit of the mountain. Here are many famous spots and things ,but the most things on Emei is the following things.

Visitors to Mount Emei will likely see dozens of monkeys who can often be viewed taking food from tourists. Local merchants sell nuts for tourists to feed the monkeys. Some monkeys may be seen eating human food such as potato chips and even drinking soda from discarded bottles. While most of the monkeys look healthy, other monkeys appear out of shape from apparently being fed human food that is not native to the monkey's natural habitat.
This is the location of the first Buddhist temple built in China in the 1st century CE.[4] The site has seventy-six Buddhist monasteries of the Ming and Qing period, most of them located near the mountain top. The monasteries demonstrate a flexible architectural style that adapts to the landscape. Some, such as the halls of Baoguosi, are built on terraces of varying levels, while others, including the structures of Leiyinsi, are on raised stilts. Here the fixed plans of Buddhist monasteries of earlier periods are modified or ignored in order to made full use of the natural scenery. The buildings of Qingyinge are laid out in an irregular plot on the narrow piece of land between the Black Dragon River and the White Dragon River. The site is large and the winding foot path is 50 km, taking several days to walk.Cable cars ease the ascent to the two temples at Jinding (3,077 m), an hour's hike from the mountain's peak.

What makes the boy calm down

When an airliner is about to take off, the peace is shattered by a 4-year-old boy who picks the moment to throw a wild temper tantrum. No matter what his frustrated, embarrassed mother does try to calm him down. But the boy continues to scream furiously and kick the seats around him.

Suddenly, an elderly man in the uniform of an Air Force General from the rear of the plane is seen walking slowly forward up the aisle. The General leans down and, motioning toward his chest, whispers something into the boy's ear.

Instantly, the boy calms down, gently takes his mother's hand, and quietly fastens his seat belt. All the other passengers were surprised and applause spontaneously.

As the General slowly makes his way back to his seat, one of the cabin worker come to the general and asks quietly Excuse me, sir, could I ask you what magic words you used on that little boy?

The man smiles and said I showed him my pilot's wings, service stars, and battle ribbons, and explained that they entitle me to throw one passenger out the plane door on any flight I choose.

Charming Scenic Spot Introduction

Located in Nanping County, Aba Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Jiuzhaigou takes up an area of more than 60,000 hectares. The area consists of six scenic spots——Changhai, Jianyan, Nuorilang, Shuzheng, Zharu . It becomes a world renowned scenic spot because of its diversity in natural scenery which includes snowy peaks, double waterfalls, colorful forests and green sea. Furthermore, Tibetan customs are another attraction. It was listed as a world heritage site in 1992.

The Ravine boasts a number of unique features. The mountains, lakes, naturalprimeval forest, beautiful flowers all make Jiuzhaigou a fairyland. Mountains ranging 1,980 to about 3,100 meters in height are covered by a variety of trees and plants such as green conifers, luxuriant broadleaf trees and colorful rare flowers and grasses. Scenes change according to the season and the area is particularly colorful in autumn when the wind makes kilometers of tree belt along the lake undulate like a sea wave. Waterfalls, lakes, springs, rivers and shoals add to color and the green trees, red leaves, snowy peaks and blue skies are reflected from lakes and rivers. Trees grow in the water and flowers blossom in the middle of lakes.

The Shuzheng Scenic Spot is one of charming spot of Jiuzhaigou's landscape. The Shuzheng Scenic spot covers an area of three square kilometers and With 40 lakes which extend five kilometers along a valley. The lakes change in color according to their depths, residues and scenery around them. Among which, Reed Lake is an ideal habitat of birds; Spark Lake appears to move while the jade-like Rhinoceros Lake is a good place for rowing, swimming and rafting. There are also the Shuzheng Waterfalls which have a backdrop of trees.Reserved by
Undoubtedly, the magnificent view in Jiuzhaigou will make you reluctant to leave, and don't forget that the autumn is the best season to visit it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Who is the better

Jack, a friend of mine, bought a computer, even though he had never even used a typewriter before. After examing the computer, he decided to call online help. A friendly voice explained how his new machine worked step by step . All went well until the voice told him to press the space bar. After studying the keyboard, Gerrad said; it doesn't have a space bar.Maybe it is the newest model But after further explanation, he managed to find it.

Seven days later, Gerrad called the help online again for another problems. An instructor was then sent to his house for training. But after a few minutes, Gerrad's head was spinning. You don't need to go any further, he sighed, I don't understand a thing.

To cheer him up, the worker said: Hey, there are people who understand a lot less than you. Last week we had someone on the phone who didn't even know where the space bar was!

The one rely on Woods become popular

According to media reports, Rachel Uchitel who is said the number one mistress of Woods has signed a contract with "Playboy" magazine and will be photographed nakedly.

Rachel Uchitel has been the focus of the world's major media. After she admitted had an affair to t with actor David Boreanaz, she quarrel with Joslyn James who is another mistress of Woods. Both sides accused each other of relying on scandal with Tiger Woods making money. Now, Rachel Uchitel further contracted with Playboy to continue to rely on the current popularity to make money.

According to one source before shooting, Rachel Uchitel can break out of the contract at any time. The time of photograph will be taken in three weeks.

Golf Ball instruction

Dimples first became a feature of golf balls when a certain Taylor patented a dimple design in 1908. Other types of patterned covers were in use at about the same time, including one called a "mesh" and another named the "bramble", but the dimple became the dominant design due to "the superiority of the dimpled cover in flight".
Most golf balls on sale today have about 250 – 450 dimples, though there have been balls with more than 500 dimples,The record holder was a ball with 1,070 dimples — 414 larger ones (in four different sizes) and 656 pinhead-sized ones. All brands of balls, except one, have even-numbered dimples. The only odd-numbered ball on the market is a ball with 333 dimples, called the AD333.
Officially sanctioned balls are designed to be as symmetrical as possible. This symmetry is the result of a dispute that stemmed from the Polara, a ball sold in the late 1970s that had six rows of normal dimples on its equator but very shallow dimples elsewhere. This asymmetrical design helped the ball self-adjust its spin-axis during the flight. The USGA refused to sanction it for tournament play and, in 1981, changed the rules to ban aerodynamic asymmetrical balls. Polara's producer sued the USGA and the association paid US$1.375 million in a 1985 out-of-court settlement.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office's patent database is a good source of past dimple designs. Most designs are based on Platonic solids such as icosahedron.
Golf balls are usually white, but are available in other high visibility colors, which helps with finding the ball when lost or when playing in low-light or frosty conditions. As well as bearing the makers name or logo, balls are usually printed with numbers or other symbols to help players identify their ball.
There are many types of golf balls on the market, and customers often face a difficult decision. Golf balls are divided into two categories: recreational and advanced balls. Recreational balls are oriented toward the ordinary golfer, who generally have low swing speeds (80 miles per hour or lower) and lose golf balls on the course easily. These balls are made of two layers, with the cover firmer than the core. Their low compression and side spin reduction characteristics suit the lower swing speeds of average golfers quite well. Furthermore, they generally have lower prices than the advanced balls.
Advanced balls are made of multiple layers (three or more), with a soft cover and firm core. They induce a greater amount of spin from lofted shots (wedges especially), as well as a sensation of softness in the hands in short-range shots. However, these balls require a much greater swing speed that only the physically strong players could carry out to compress at impact. If the compression of a golf ball does not match a golfer's swing speed, either the lack of compression or over-compression will occur, resulting in loss of distance. There are also many brands and colors to choose from, with colored balls and better brands generally being more expensive, making an individual's choice more difficult.
Follow these 3 Simple Steps to find your Perfect Golf Ball!
1) First, you'll find a quick review of the various ball components including cores, covers, and dimples, and how they affect overall ball performance.
2) Second, you'll determine what type of golfer you are and simplify the golf ball selection process by choosing the model that's right for your game.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Woods and Elin Breakup Agreement

It is said Tiger Woods having a hard time in golf have hired an expert lawyer in international child custody. People believe Elin will be moved back to the motherland and live in Sweden, where now she has begun to repair a house, and the divorce proceedings may also be made there.
The main issue of the divorce is custody of two children. They both want to ensure that they can be close to the 3-year-old daughter Sam and 14-month-old son Charlie. Two people are expected to agree to shared custody and according to U.S. media reports, two people do not want to have a "ugly" divorce.
Elin, Swedish swimming suit model, could get 3 million because of breakup, but the ex-couple will not disclose any details about their agreement
Woods met car accident outside the home in Orlando, Florida last year by the end of November, followed by professional life began to collapse. It was said the car accident occurred after an argument with his wife because Elin suspected Woods was having an extramarital affairs. In the wake of the car accident, lots of women emerged claiming had extramarital sexual relations with Woods.
After that Woods left golf, and received treatment. He apologize for his behaviors when he came back. In a television interview in February, Woods admitted he was not loyal to Elin and he was "very selfish, very stupid"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What make Hank Haney resign

Haney started working with Tiger in 2004, and they have achieved win six major championships together. But, recently, rumors that Tiger has been working with swing coach Sean Foley make the relationship a bit strained .It also raises the thought that Haney might have seen the axe coming his way, as Tiger has been totally lost with his golf swing since returning to competitive golf. While a missed cut in a major, and no wins since the 2008 U.S. Open raised a ton of questions about the state of Woods' game.
The other side of the coin might have been that Haney was sick of getting all the blame for Tiger's troubled play, and decided it was time to pull his name from the mud. Haney runs golf schools and has won numerous coaching awards, and to continually get smeared because one of your students isn't playing up to snuff might have been too much of a slap in the face for Haney to overcome.
No matter what is the reason, definitely this means that Tiger will have to find a new coach to help him with his golf swing, and as anyone that has worked with a teacher knows, all teachers find different method with your swing that needs changing, so Woods need time to adapt with his new coach.
discount golf equipment

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Golf Playing Caution

Now Playing golf has became very popular .Here are some suggestions for the golfer.
1. making sure there is no abnormal of such as shaft, head and handle.
2. confirm whether the clubs are suitable for your own strength and technical.
5. Electricity can be conducted by Carbon, stainless steel of clubs. So, in case of thunder, players should keep away from the clubs interacting to make you safe.
6. You need buy another one immediately if there is a cracking happened to your clubs.
7. Please make sure there is no something wrong to the club if it has been treaded or hit the ground.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Andersson keeps ahead in Italian Open

Andersson Hed leads Italian Open at the halfway stage in Turin.
After his 14th trip to the qualifying school last November, Andersson Hed get his Tour card again. He was one of 18 players forced to complete their first rounds on Friday postponed by Thursday's two-hour rain"Some people think I have so much experience but if it's been a few years since you were in that position it feels like a new situation," Andersson Hed said.