
Monday, August 2, 2010

Ji-young broke Woods record

According to World Journal reports, in the United States Junior Golf Championship Refresh - Tiger Woods, age, ethnic-Chinese Junior record Jim Liu's Chinese name is Ji-parents came from China. Liu mom and dad and very low-key and did not want his son was too provocative, so dazzled by the victory.
Last Sunday, China's golf came two good news. The first is a 17-year-old girl of Chinese Taipei Chen Yanning (Doris Chen) won the 2010 U.S. Junior Championships (US Girls' Junior Championship), breaking the tournament's history has never been the Chinese title records. The other message is more shocking. Chinese American adolescents under 15 years old Ji-won the U.S. Junior Championships, and the refresh of 19 years ago, Tiger - Woods at the age of the event to create a record, becoming the youngest champion.
U.S. Junior Championship was established in 1948, competition is targeted at male amateur golfers 18 years of age, the world's most important youth game called Grand Slam of young people. Many famous golfers have won the game, in addition to achieving three consecutive Tiger - Woods (1991 to 1993), and David - Duval, Johnny - Miller. Later, these players have won the career Grand Slam.
But Ji-event history is not the first Chinese winner. Liao Junhao from Chinese Taipei has won the 2001 tournament. Ji-and Liao Junhao the same nationality have joined the United States.
After the race, many people are searching Ji-information, because in Chinese circles, no one heard his name. Oak Valley, this reporter in the United States with the help of the staff, get to a local Chinese newspaper "World Journal" newspaper clippings. The report made by the reporter Qiuzhao Qi, introduced the family background, and Ji-won, the Liu family, ambition.
According to newspaper reports, Ji-6-year-old began to practice golf, on his debut blockbuster, the U.S. Children's 6-year-old winner of the World Championships, followed by three consecutive years was 8 years old, 9 years old and 10 age group champion. 9-year-old Ji-golf course in Orlando at Disney PJGT the race, played 59 good results.
Ji-ball commentary generally considered very stable, when playing Anrutaishan. "My pitch more conservative. I always plan ahead on how to fight a ball they have to, I do not want to take more aggressive strategy. I tried to stay calm and prefer the easiest way to play." Ji-on "World News" said.
Ji-parents are in the arts in China, Liu father have been advocates of university professors, is the bank doing business, now a family living in New York Long Island Smithton (Smithtown). Ji-had a 21-year-old sister, had graduated from New York University. Sister also played golf, was a member of the New York large school team.
Liu family, low-key, Mrs. Liu is reluctant to reveal his name. "We do not want too much exposure, so that he carried away, because he really going to do is play. We worry too much press speculation, what would make him the final results have not." "World News" quoted Mrs. Liu saying, "He was only 14 years old, began his path, can not get him at the beginning of the Gaode vigorous, so will do no good to him."

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