
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Woods throne by King Challenge

This week the U.S. PGA Championship, Phil - Phil Mickelson was not the only one there is likely to replace Tiger Woods as the world's No. 1 player.

The second consecutive week, Woods seems to be the two players are expected to exceed, the end of its recent 270 weeks on the high altar of the rule. Last week was Phil Mickelson and England's Lee White Tiger - Westwood. As Westwood this week absence because of injury, the thought that the threat will come from Phil Mickelson, Tiger Woods, but the world's fourth-largest U.S. player Steve - Steve Stricker has a chance this week.

World No. 1 Tiger Woods this season, has participated in eight PGA Tour competition, has not recorded a victory, his world ranking has dropped to 9.63 points points. Mickelson has been overturned several times, Woods missed his own chance to reach the top golf No. 1 throne, and his ranking points is 9.19 points, a difference of only 0.44 points with Woods. England White Tiger ranking points 8.99 points, although Woods difference is not large, but not out of competition this week injury. The world's fourth-largest U.S. player Steve - Stricker opportunity to challenge the first time this week, the world's No. 1 position, and his ranking points is 7.51 points, a difference of 2.12 points with Woods.

Mickelson in the following five scenarios for the first time become the world's No. 1: In the U.S. PGA Championship winner; finished second and Woods in the top three outside; third and 11 outside the former Woods; fourth Name and Woods outside the former 46; in the two tied for first four, but Woods should be eliminated.

Stricker is even more difficult to become some of the world. He became a condition of the world's first PGA Championship trophy own exalted, and Woods outside the former 24, while Mickelson is not made the top three

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